Learn how to protect your public dashboards created using dash from unwanted users, by using password protection. 3 steps is all you need!
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Deploy a dash app with timer-callbacks on Heroku
Learn how to create a live dashboard (which refreshes periodically automatically, without any button clicks), on dash, and also how to deploy it on Heroku.
How to add Heroku Postgres DB to pgAdmin
Learn how to add a DB hosted on Heroku to pgAdmin. While the process is straightforward overall, there is one minor thing you need to take care of.
Create your free hosted PostgreSQL DB on Heroku
Learn how to get your first free hosted PostgreSQL database on Heroku. This can then be linked to pgAdmin for getting started with DB operations
Permanently revert GitHub branch to a specific commit
Learn how to revert your GitHub branch to a specific commit. This is a dangerous maneuver and therefore, this post also provides a safer alternative at the end.
A beginner’s guide to JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
Want to understand JWTs without all the jargon? Then this post is meant for you. Learn about the nature and use of JWTs in this simple and lucid guide.
How to get the size of your lambda layers
Learn how to get the size of your AWS Lambda layers using the console. This helps configuring your functions, keeping the lambda size limitations in mind.
Unique compact codes in Python
Learn how to create compact codes in Python using lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation symbols.
UART, SPI, I2C: Overview and Comparison
Learn about the salient features of 3 of the most popular firmware communication protocols: UART, SPI and I2C. Also learn about the pros and cons of each.
Find which points of a set lie within a Polygon
Which algorithm do you think helps you find the points of a set that lie within a polygon in the least amount of time? The answer will surprise you.